The best battle plans to overcome the economic crisis.
We think about technology a lot, it creates opportunities even during an economic crisis!
Many Economists predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic is strengthening big tech. Big tech and other digital companies are net beneficiaries of new habits and behaviors. Many companies are putting more effort into digital marketing and online customer service. As long as businesses approach the shift to digital marketing strategically, there's no reason why it should just serve as an emergency fill-in, but could carry on providing long-term value when the world eventually gets back to normal. It is time for us to develop our skills to survive in this huge opportunity.
Discover Your Exciting New Career in Tech at Our Campus.
Join us on our open day where we will share key insights into how our students are breaking into the software and A.I industries. We will offer Q&A sessions with our admissions manager, data science and soft engineering instructors, talent acquisition team, and current students. We can solve all your questions about the 4-month Bootcamp and part-time courses during the Open Day. We’d love to take you for a campus tour, too!
為左解答大家對Xccelerate 4 個月全日制沉浸式科技課程(Coding Bootcamp) 同兼讀制科技增值課程嘅疑慮。我地將會舉行校園開放日+課程簡介會!誠意邀請您參觀全港最多學生好評的No.1 科技 Bootcamp 校舍! 到時將會有課程介紹, 在讀學生分享, 及導師問答環節等。一次過你解答報名前必問嘅問題: 課程內容係咩? 係咪真係轉到行?無接觸過科技讀唔讀得?校舍環境係點? 有咩就業支援? 課程價錢? 我比較適合軟件工程定係數據科學和機器學習課程?保證解答大家的儲積已久嘅問題!
Who should attend:
*Open Day may go online subject to policy changes, depending on the virus situation closer to date