在家工作(Work-from-home,WFH) 不是夢!9GAG喺香港率先帶頭推行WFH,將成個總部退租。唔少打工仔聽到呢個消息應該好羨慕,但作為管理層,應該諗到一百萬個問題,而最重要就係點管理班員工,究竟9GAG CEO 陳展程(Ray)行到咁前,係咪有咩對策?作為Co-working space CEO 嘅Thomas Hui又點睇呢?
除此之外, Ray自己又點營運自己盤生意呢?一代人有一代人的特質,一向瞄準18至24歲用家又點保持品牌同埋內容啱受眾口味呢?立即登記參加最新 'Don't waste the crisis, build a better Hong Kong' 的活動!
日期: 7月9日(星期四)
時間: 5.45 – 7.30 p.m. (theDesk Facebook 下午6時同步直播)
地點: theDesk禮頓中心
支持機構: WHub
活動平台夥伴: 01空間
5.45 p.m. – 登記
6 p.m. – 對談環節開始
7 p.m. - Networking時間
WFHF - working from home forever, what do you think about this new arrangement that has been widely adopted by tech firms? 9GAG, was one of the very first companies to give up their headquarter office in Hong Kong and implement the ‘WFHF’ policy. How does Ray Chan, CEO of 9GAG manage his team with this new policy? As the co-founder and CEO of a co-working space, what’s Thomas Hui's views on this new normal? Join our upcoming 'Don't waste the crisis, build a better Hong Kong' session now!
Date: Jul 9, 2020 (Thu)
Time: 5:45 - 7:30 p.m. (Livestream at theDesk Facebook page at 6 p.m.)
Venue: theDesk Leighton Centre
Language: Cantonese
Supporting Organization: WHub
Event Platform Partner: 01空間
5:45 p.m. Registration
6-7 p.m. Interview, Q&A
7-7.30 p.m. Networking session