交流探讨大湾区初创企业趋势、政策及资源的高层会议 A high-level sharing and networking event featuring the presentation of the key insights of GBA's startup scene and speakers from governments, corporates and key stakeholders in Shenzhen startup ecosystem.
此次活动将有WHub介绍粤港澳大湾区社群开始,参与讨论的嘉宾是来自政府及企业高层的人员,参会者包括初创及投资圈的 - 各界初创者及社群领袖、孵化器及加速器、大学、媒体等。我们将共同探讨在急速发展的大湾区经济背景下,如何加速社群的成长并创造不同城市间的协同效益。
Hong Kong and the mainland part of the Greater Bay Area have had a lack of coherent market or customer union largely due to the differences in government policies, legal system, business culture, market characteristics, languages berries, etc. However, the "Greater Bay Area Development Policy Guideline" published by the government of China in 2019 has set a more integrated and active GBA startup ecosystem in motion, with the fast developing transportation infrastructure as the primary catalyst.
In this session, WHub will present our key learnings of the latest trends and insights for startups to achieve rapid growth in GBA as the industry-agnostic community builder in the region. It will be followed by the panel discussion bringing together the major stakeholders to discuss the current and potential synergetic policies and programs in Shenzhen that startups can benefit from.
活动流程 Agenda:
谁适合参与 Whom should participant?
The attendees are entrepreneurs and the representatives from governments, corporates, community builders, media. We also welcome anyone who is interested in the latest trend, statistics, insights about startup ecosystem in the Greater Bay Area.
为何参与 Why should you participate?
WHub 是五年前成立的,先香港最大的初创企业社群。通过与社会各界合作,我们在五年间致力在香港全力打造一个为创业者服务和成长的平台。在我们创建社群的方法论的核心,是WHub的三个主要服务:”链接” (connect)、”展示” (showcase)和 “教育”(educate)。将香港的成果带到大湾区是我们的承诺,因此我们社群扩展的第一站选择了深圳。作为初创生态系统的架桥人,我们获得了不仅是政策层面、更是与各个创业者息息相关的科技、社会趋势的洞悉和见解。
Having been promoting #StartupPassion for more than 5 years, WHub is Hong Kong's largest startup community and power connector. Through working with various stakeholders in the startup ecosystem, we have brought about a platform with consolidated resources for any startups to growth with the resources they need. Our approaches for building a successful startups community is "connect", "showcase" and "educate". Applying the methodology and the entrepreneurial & community-driven spirit to Shenzhen is our commitment. As the bridge and trend watcher in the GBA market, we are able to capture the latest updates from all types of players and across the key industries. The White Paper capsulises the learning we had and will become the foundation for any stakeholders to rethink or update their GBA strategies.
如感兴趣白皮书的内容,欢迎您参考我们之前的报告(仅限英文版) If you are interested in the content of our White Paper, you can refer to the previous editions (English only):
此活动将以英语及普通话双语举行。The event will be conducted in English and Mandarin Chinese.