Title: Multi-Generational Collaboration: Learning from the Young Minds
Date: Dec 3rd 2019 6:30 pm
Highlights for Our Upcoming Webinar -
How can corporates benefit from young entrepreneurial minds? – as young as high school students?
What is the upcoming trend of managing a future ready-organization from a people perspective?
With increasingly common multi-generation collaboration, how can organizations today start building an effective and inclusive business?
Come join us with our special guest Jeff Hui, COO of Young Founders School, a charity that provides free start-up bootcamp for high school students. Within 3 years, Young Founder School has expanded to Singapore, Shenzhen and Bangladesh.
This is not another webinar where only information is shared, you can chat with other participants and exchange ideas in our 60 minutes upbeat session!
About Ascension Associates
About Young Founders School and Jeff Hui, COO of Young Founders School