This is a PAID event. Ticket Price: 100HKD
About the event
Storytelling is what connects us to our humanity. It is what links us to our past, and provides a glimpse into our future.
What makes story so powerful? – We seem to be drawn to stories that have characters that look like us — or at least share characteristics we can relate to. Just as business goes on and on, we sharpen our skills of storytelling. At the same time, we are looking for stimulation from others, inspiring ourselves to become better and better.
Join us at The Power of Storytelling, and decode the power together!
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About the speaker
Yuri Hung
Yuri used to work as in the consulting industry for 2 years. He has just finished his Master studies in London. Yuri is passionate about listening and telling stories. He has served as a TED speaker for 2 times last year, in TEDxSOAS and TEDxLingnanUniversity.
Aside, Yuri currently works on promoting well-being and continuous development of individuals, echoing the message of “First Principle” – going back to step number one for everything we do.