Startup x Corporate Hiring Spree
WeStart HK is partnering with Wantedly on a career fair with more than 20 startup & corporate employers! Distinguished speakers including notable startup founders will also join the occasion to share their thoughts with millennial job seekers and the more dynamic working environment.
7:00pm – 7:15pm l What do HR Managers Think When Hiring a New Staff?
- HR熱血男
7:20pm – 7:50pm l Entrepreneurial Mindset – the Key to Landing a Job
- Anthony So, Co-founder, OnGrad
- Kevon Cheung, Head of Marketing & Sales, Juven
- Michelle Chau, Co-founder, Coliving.hk
7:55pm – 8:25pm l Company Culture: Startup vs. Corporate
- Lucas Ngoo, Co-founder & CTO, Carousell
- Miffy Chan, Recruitment Manager, Pizza Express
- Tom Lee, Assistant Human Resources Manager, Ztore
8:30pm – 8:50pm l The Little Things about Manner微辣 (20 minutes)
- Luk Chi-Ho (六毫子), Founder & CEO of Manner
Don't miss the chance to hear from the masterminds! See you on March 14!
For more information about the job openings: http://bit.ly/2TqIhW6
Startup x 企業搵工祭
WeStart HK今次與Wantedly合作帶來【STARTUP X 企業 搵工祭】!場內聚集逾20間初創及大型企業,更邀請一眾重量級Startup創辦人及企業HR分享公司秘聞,助你更了解不同的企業文化!
7:00pm – 7:15pm l【2019見工攻略】其實HR請人諗乜嘢?
- HR熱血男
7:20pm – 7:50pm l "Entrepreneurial Mindset" — 搵工之必要
- Anthony So, OnGrad 創辦人
- Kevon Cheung, Juven 銷售及營業部總監
- Michelle Chau, Coliving.hk 創辦人
7:55pm – 8:25pm l 公司文化の解構現場:Startup VS 企業
- Lucas Ngoo, Carousell 創辦人兼首席科技總監
- Miffy Chan, Pizza Express 人力資源部(招聘)經理
- Tom Lee, Ztore 人力資源部副經理
8:30pm – 8:50pm l 關於微辣之兩三事
- 陸志豪(六毫子), 微辣創辦人兼CEO