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For conference tickets: http://bit.ly/WHub-Conference-SULP
For workshop ticket: http://bit.ly/WHub-Workshops-SULP
The Startup Launchpad Conference - October 21:
The Startup Launchpad Conference is back! This year we are focusing our discussions on the Future of Lifestyle.
The conference invites 30+ pioneering retailers, 80+ speakers and 300+ startups driving innovation in creating consumer experiences to share their knowledge of how to navigate the future of lifestyle tech. The topics that will be covered include:
At Home
Trends on what people want in their homes, what are they concerned about, privacy, security?
At Work
Trends on how work is changing thanks to technology, what the modern office looks like, how different industries are being transformed (i.e. manufacturing)
On the Go
How the daily commute is changing, what gadgets and tech are travelers carrying these days, what do hotel/AirBnb guests expect, what technologies are making mobility easier, how are cities managing personal privacy when people are outside the home, how are governments maintaining safety with new mobility tech?
Mind and Body
Trends in how tech is being used to improve health (physical and mental), what tools do experts recommend, what wearables are in high demand, what do healthcare/insurance providers see as the next phase of digital health?
Play and Learn
How is tech being used inside and outside the classroom, democratization of learning through new technology (allowing guided learning without a classroom), classroom monitoring tech (controversial)
Stay tuned here as we finalize our conference schedule and begin to announce this year’s speakers!
As a WHub member get 25% off here: http://bit.ly/WHub-Conference-SULP
Startup Launchpad Workshops - October 18 and 19:
Startup Launchpad has partnered with Collab Central to curate two full days of workshops, taking early stage startups or fresh entrepreneurs to go through the starting, product prototyping, manufacturing, crowdfunding and selling stages before they start and hit the unnecessary speed bumps.
Learn from insiders from WHub, AngelHub, Foxconn, Growth Marketer Academy, Betatron, and more. Check out the schedule here, and book your ticket before the workshops fill up!
As a WHub member get 25% off here: http://bit.ly/WHub-Workshops-SULP