We are thrilled to let you in on a big secret!!!!
Retired Not Out is organising a job fair co-hosted with Garage Academy to connect seasoned talent with meaningful opportunities in some of the most inspiring social impact organisations of Hong Kong.
(And .... we will also be unveiling our new name, brand identity and web-platform on the same day!)
Why you should attend if you're a social impact organisation?
Build a Brand: Seize this opportunity to promote your job openings, internships and career opportunities with our growing community of experienced seasoned professionals! Our members come from diverse backgrounds and have previously worked as accountants, HR professionals, translators, project managers, fundraisers etc across industries and levels of seniority, so we promise something for everyone! Also, 70% of our talent is local Hong Kong Chinese - so don't worry about bilingual skills!
Build a Team: We know how hard it is for socially driven organisations to attract the right kind of talent with limited resources. We also know that seniors are extremely purpose driven and are motivated by working in organisations thatare changing the world. Why not meet them in an open job fair setting and find the talent you were always looking for? This is the perfect win-win!
Why you should attend if you're an experienced professional?
Land a meaningful job: Move past the CV and get priceless one on one time with recruiters and employers who are changing the world for the better. Find how you can put your experience to use through impact-driven roles.
Event Flow:
The event is free for job-seekers. Please fill up this form so we can connect you with the right employers on the day of the event!
The employer registration fee is as mentioned below:
This fee includes:
We have spots for only 10 social enterprises to hurry and register now for early bird discount!