HK Medical Tech company Biorna Quantics to host 20-minute nutritiontalk on rules of thumb for optimal fitness & workplace performance.
Summary of what BQ does: Medical tech company supplying HK's healthiest meal delivery service. BQ supplies 50+ biomarker tests for body composition, athletic performance and preventative healthcare. Meal plans matched to DNA & Food Sensitivities.
Invitation to include: BQ iAppraisal - tagline: 'Take BQ's online appraisal for enhanced fitness & workplace performance. Those who complete iAppraisal to receive free consult after the talk.'
Link to iAppraisal (with re-description) - understand which BQ products fit your needs: https://www.biorna-quantics.com/appraisal/sign-in
A digital intelligence platform for the future of preventative health & human optimisation. - biorna-quantics.com
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