講題一 Topic 1:
Introduction to Graph QL : GraphQL 介紹
講題二 Topic 2:
Blazor : C# to Webassembly : Blazor : 由C# 至 WebAssembly
我的資訊很有用是香港第一個純技術討論的廣東話聚會,每月第一個星期四,於上環文咸東街NakedHub 十六樓七時半至九時半,歡迎各位programmer及其他IT從業者、Accelerate現屆學生或校友參與!
如果你有興趣提供講座、分享或展示最新技術,請電郵至 dev@accelerating.tech。
Github: https://github.com/my-info-is-useful/
My Info is useful is a Hong Kong's first cantonese technical meetup. come join us on the first Thursday of every month for our Tech Talk from 19:30-21:30 at our campus on the 16/F of nakedHub. You can socialize, learn, share and network with our students, alumni, programmers, IT professionals and anyone else who wants to join!
If you are interested in giving talks, sharing or a demonstration, please email dev@accelerating.tech