Tue 14 August 2018
8:30 AM – 10:30 AM HKT
Diverse teams outperform homogenous ones. They tend to be more innovative and add to the organisation’s bottom line. That’s great for where we are today - Hong Kong!
The Hong Kong Census Department (2017) shows there were 2,339 foreign regional offices in Hong Kong.
Expatriates form 4.6% of the 7.188 million-roughly, with more than 11 substantial expat groups, and 62% of them above 45, working in sectors like banking insurance, media and education. It is evident that working and leading diverse teams in Hong Kong as well as leading regional teams outside of Hong Kong is quite common.
However, diversity in teams also brings its share of challenges: time zones, cultural misunderstandings and hurdles to collaboration to name a few. The clues can range from subtle to obvious: team members speaking a language that others do not understand, people working on their own on a project and not keeping anyone else updated whilst others keep wondering what they are doing, a lack of feedback from your direct report even when requested or a breakdown in communication. These challenges detract from the team’s business objectives.
These challenges are present for the local management but made even more complex for expatriate managers who need to immerse themselves in a new culture. Although it is their responsibility - as leaders - to grasp the real impact diverse teams have on ways of working, sharing of information, communication and to devise a plan that harnesses the diversity to their advantage instead of allowing difficult situations to fester.
This interactive master class is aimed at giving participants a foundation for understanding cultural diversity and its impact in teams and also discuss strategies to make the most of the team’s diversity.
Content (run-down)
Introduction : speaker and her specialisation - 5 mins
Getting feedback from the room on challenges of diverse team - 5 mins.
Discussion on 3 - 4 main challenges of working with diverse teams as expressed in the room
Strategies to quickly detect the reality of the team and harness this cultural diversity as a strength
Take aways
Decoding the impact of culture on behaviour
Recognise attitudes and behaviour that enhance or detract from business objectives
Strategies to engage and leverage on the diversity of a multicultural team
Speaker bio
Lola Chetti is a leadership development consultant and coach based in Hong Kong, she has been working around SE Asia for 10 years. She holds a Master in Consulting and Coaching for Change (Distinction) from Insead and has built an established practice in leadership development training and coaching, working with clients from multinationals and local companies.
She currently delivers an ICF accredited coach training curriculum designed by her to individuals and organisations in Hong Kong. Lola integrates research from Neuroscience, Cultural Intelligence and Psychodynamics in her work. Her work is aimed at getting executives to develop life long skills to re-appraise, re examine and tap into THEIR own motivational reserves to achieve desired performance and achievement. Holding Space Coaching & Consulting, her company, currently delivers services ranging from executive coaching, design and delivery of customised leadership development training for organisations to train internal coaches and implement coaching cultures. She is also an avid reader with a passion for women, innovation and social enterprise.
Lola Chetti started her career in the judiciary and retired as a senior Magistrate. Her passion for people development and learning led her to transition as a volunteer teacher with refugee children for 6 years; before she started a second career in leadership development consulting and executive coaching in 2009. Lola works with individuals and organisations from Europe, Asia and the U.S.
• Executive Master in Consulting and Coaching for Change (Distinction) - INSEAD Business School
• International Coaching Federation - ACSTH credential awarded
Organisational Coaching Practitioner Certificate Training designed by Lola
• LLB (Hons.) U.K
• Bar at law-Lincoln’s Inn, UK
• Mentor Coach- ICF
• Diploma in Coaching Supervision –CSA,UK –expected mid 2018