Dear Ladies,
After a successful launch in May I am happy to announce the next event.
Last time we introduced ourselves and our businesses and I always love to hear what you have achieved so far. But as we all know, to start or run a business is not easy at all and we have to face many challenges. This event is therefore different. You have 90 seconds to present your business and afterwards I would like to discuss three to five questions.
So, please think about a question you are looking for an answer or a solution and send it directly to me latest two days before the event. It can be a personal or a professional question. For example: how do small businesses handle a crisis (financially, personally)? I collect the questions and chose some, which I believe are interesting for everyone. I guess many of us have similar challenges, doubts, worries, frustration.....:)!
Afterwards you have time to mingle and connect which each other.
To make it an inspiring and interesting event, I need you. Please think about a question you are looking for an answer!
For those who never joined the event here are some details:
Its a networking and empowering group for startups or for those who want to start a new business, where you present your business. And where you can openly talk about any issues or goals.
My mission is to connect women with their business, to bring them into their potential, to support and strengthen them. I believe in propelling women forward and impacting our community for the better.
7.00 - 7:15pm mingling
from 7:15pm short presentation of your business
from 7:45pm Question Session
from 8:30pm on mingle and connect with each other
I am grateful that we can have the first floor in "Holly Brown" just for us. So, please buy a drink downstairs (they also offer wine and other alcoholic drinks). I don't have to pay for the location, but everybody has to buy a drink, what is fair. In case you can't find it please WhatsApp me 68427903.
And you can do me a big favor. Please sign out if you can't come. Many thanks!
Looking forward to seeing you.
Best Ute