| 關於活動 About the Event |
地球的自然環境越來越險峻,人類對自然資源的慾望已將生物多樣性推向邊緣。 貧窮是對自然界最具破壞性的力量之一,特別是在發展中國家。 當要在維護良好的自然環境和生存之間選擇時,人們總會選擇後者。 這次特別與香港創辦的非牟利機構The Hummingfish Foundation聯辦的THF相信,通過開發以社區為基礎的可持續發展綠色產品,我們可以為未被破壞的自然增添經濟價值。 這次特別與香港創辦的非牟利機構The Hummingfish Foundation聯辦的品嚐咖啡可持續發展咖啡活動,目的是讓大家對可持續發展及饒富意義的咖啡得到更多關注及認知,希望致力為保護未被破壞的自然環境出一分力。
The earth’s natural environments are at risk and humanity’s lust for natural resources has driven biodiversity to the brink. Poverty is one of the most destructive forces against nature, especially in developing countries. ]When forced to choose between good environmental practices and survival, people will always choose the latter. We are honoured to have The Hummingfish Foundation, a Hong Kong based non-profit charity organisation to organise a sustainable coffee tasting in order to inspire consumers to develop an appreciation for nature and awareness towards sustainability.
| 流程 Rundown |
* 此活動會以中文為主導 This event will be conducted in Cantonese *
3:00pm - Introduction & Sharing about sustainable coffee industry, Timor-Leste and Sustainable coffee
3:10pm - Brewing 1 – Coffee tasting
3:25pm - Sharing / Presentation Maubere Mountain Coffee & The Hummingfish Foundation
3:45pm - Cascara tasting
3:55pm - Sharing of coffee ground usage
4:05pm - Q&A - How to support sustainable coffee
| 日期和時間 Date & Time |
日期: 7月27日 (星期六)
時間: 下午3時至4時15分
Date: 27th July, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm - 4:15pm
| 費用 Ticket Fee |
會員 Member: HKD120
早鳥優惠 Early Bird: HKD 130
非會員 Standard: HKD150
Cap: 20pax
| 關於主辦機構 About The Hummingfish Foundation |
The Hummingfish Foundation (THF) 是香港創辦的非牟利機構,於2010年成立,亦是東帝汶的註冊環保慈善組織。 東帝汶是在聯合國協助下在2002年獨立的年輕國家。 THF致力保護未被破壞的自然環境,透過不同項目,締造 地球–人–商業 相互兼容的三贏方案,為 “自然界增值”。
THF已成功在東帝汶推出三個幫助貧苦大眾的項目: Ai-funan 有機肥皂; 野生咖啡豆Maubere Mountain Coffee; 和Clean Kids推廣學童洗手活動。 在香港,THF不定期到大學與學生分享如何以商業推廣模式來推動綠色慈善項目。
Founded in 2010, The Hummingfish Foundation (THF) is a Hong Kong based non-profit charity organization, also a registered environmental protection charity in Timor-Leste, a country which came to independence in 2002 with the help of the United Nation. Our mission is to protect the earth’s unspoiled natural environment through projects that promote Harmony between Nature, People and Business, as a result, to Add Value to Nature.
All THF projects share three characteristics:-
THF has launched three projects, namely Ai-Funan, the organic soap; Maubere Mountain Coffee, the wild grown coffee; and Clean Kids to help the poor in Timor-Leste. In Hong Kong, THF conducts educational talks on environmental protection in universities occasionally.
| 地點 Venue |
活動將會於 Kafnu 場內進行,位於嘉里酒店2樓。最近的地鐵站為黃埔站C2出口,或乘搭北角至紅磡的渡海小輪亦只需7分鐘。http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
The event will be inside Kafnu. Kafnu is located on the 2nd floor inside Kerry Hotel. The closest MTR is Whampoa MTR exit C2. You can also conveniently access the venue from Hong Kong Island via the North Point <--> Hung Hom Ferry which takes only 7 minutes. Schedule here: http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
Kafnu Hong Kong, 2/F, Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom