| 關於課程 About the Workshop |
Kafnu不僅是一個共同工作的空間,而是一個鼓勵個人成長處及發展的空間,並且與志趣相投的人建立聯繫。 Kafnu現在正在為所有企業家,企業主或任何想要提高商業溝通技巧以促進職業發展的人組織一系列輕鬆的商務英語工作坊!
Kafnu is not just any co-working space but a space for holistic learning environment for self-development and networking with like-minded people. For the very first time, Kafnu is now organising a series of Business English Workshops for all entrepreneurs, business owners, or anyone who would like to improve their business communication skills to advance their careers!
Delivering a successful and convincing presentation requires not only the right skills, but also an understanding of social nuances. In this workshop, learn effective presentation skills, awareness of cultural knowledge and the different levels of formalities to use with your respective audience, complimented with wine and beer! Engage in group discussions to exchange and apply what you have learned in real-life presentation scenarios.
*The session comes with complimentary drinks (coffee, wine, beer, etc) from Kafnu.*
| 有關導師 Instructor's Background |
Elaine Chan是一名香港語言教育家和獨立作家,主要幫助客戶發展他們的溝通技巧,擁有豐富的戰略性企業溝通經驗。
她不但於多倫多出生和長大,亦曾在多倫多和香港工作,在香港生活了5年多。經營多類型的工作坊,並提供一對一的輔導。 對於能夠協助客戶改善及增強溝通表達能力,並在工作上達到出色的表現,Elaine對此感到非常自豪。
Elaine Chan is an independent language educator and writer in Hong Kong who helps clients develop their communication skills. She is experienced with strategic corporate communication.
Having worked both in Toronto and Hong Kong, she runs bespoke workshops and offers one-on-one coaching. She finds pride in helping clients build their confidence in their communication skills to excel in whatever they choose. Born and raised in Toronto, she has lived in Hong Kong for 5+ years.
| 日期時間 Date & Time |
日期: 2019年7月25日(星期四)
時間: 晚上7時至8時
Date: July 25th, 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 7pm - 8pm
| 課程費用 Workshop Fee |
250HKD (每課 | per session)
*900HKD (合共四堂 9折優惠 | 10% discount for all 4 sessions)
| 地點 Venue |
活動將會於 Kafnu 場內進行,位於嘉里酒店2樓。最近的地鐵站為黃埔站C2出口,或乘搭北角至紅磡的渡海小輪亦只需7分鐘。http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
The event will be inside Kafnu. Kafnu is located on the 2nd floor inside Kerry Hotel. The closest MTR is Whampoa MTR exit C2. You can also conveniently access the venue from Hong Kong Island via the North Point <--> Hung Hom Ferry which takes only 7 minutes. Schedule here: http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
Kafnu Hong Kong, 2/F, Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom