Wondering what is the hype about Bitcoin? Confused by all the technical jargon of Blockchain, ICO, Fork etc? This is a masterclass for all things crypto and how you can leverage them for your own investment portfolio.
*This is not a financial advisory class. Hands-on guided session in opening up your own digital wallet and exchange account. There will be a bonus airdrop of Ethereum! Sharing of access to useful resources & crypto-communities. Don't miss out on this global phenomenon!
No schemes, no scams, no pressure to buy anything, just sharing the beauty of Blockchain Technology and how it works before you invest in cryptocurrencies/ICO.
After Class Swag
- After the masterclass, students will automatically be invited to our blockchain community group of 230++ people in HK & SG. We share price alerts, blockchain news, and ICOs private sales bonus opportunity. We also do Meetup for ICOs evaluation, watch documentaries/devcon etc.
- Given access to our Crypto-Bible, an open-source public drive of decks from talks, top exchanges, ICO rating sites, influencers channels etc.
- Given access to our ICO Evaluation sheet which will help you to validate if the ICO is worth investing by going through a rigorous evaluation of factors of "Revolution of Idea", "Is blockchain needed?", "Number of star team member & advisors". "Hype", "Marketing/PR strength" , "Community Strength" etc
1. Introduction to Blockchain Technology
- What is Blockchain & how is it formed
- Advantages & Constraints of Blockchain
- Proof of Work VS Proof of Stake
- What is Cryptocurrency
- What is Smart Contract
2. Types of Wallet
- Cold, Warm, Hot Wallet
- Recommendation of Top Wallets
- Hands-on set up of a sample wallet (Exodus desktop wallet)
- Bonus Airdrop of Ethereum!
- How to keep your assets safe & hack-resistant
3. Types of Exchange
- Introduction to Fiat Currency & Crypto-only Exchanges
- Recommendation of Top Exchanges
- Hands-on set up of a sample exchange (Gemini for fiat currency exchange)
4. ICOs
- What is ICO
- Stages of ICO allocations (Institutional, Private Syndicates, Public)
- Hands-on set up of a sample wallet (MEW wallet)
- Using MEW for ICO contribution
- How to prevent ICO Scams
6. Useful Resources
- Top Sites for Coins, Wallet, Exchange Reviews
- Top Youtube, Telegram & Podcast Channels for Crypto-News & Reviews
- Access to Crypto Bible
- Access to ICO Evaluation Sheet
Trainer Profile
Rachel Lim
Digital marketer by day, blockchain evangelist 24/7. 4 years of digital marketing experience advertising for international clients, trained in Google & Facebook HQ. Founded her interest in blockchain since attended multiple tech conference. Started a blockchain community since Nov 2017 and grew the community to a strength of 230++ from across the globe.