With over 60 world-class speakers from 14 countries and 2,000+ expected audience members, this will be the largest IGNITE to date. The two-day conference is filled with keynotes and panel discussions by industry defining experts and exhibitions by top startups from the region.
Day 2 is a regional pitch competition, and MATCH, the largest Innovation-centric business matching activity in the country today that brings together startups, investors and corporations.
Day 1
09:00-12:00 The first half of the program will mainly feature our keynote speakers and major sponsors.
12:00-17:00 3 breakout sessions: Startup and Innovation track; Investment and Acceleration track; and Corporate and Government Innovation track.
What can you expect?
Two days filled with keynote speeches and panel discussions led by industry leaders as well as a pitching competition and business matchmaking sessions.
Why should you attend?