Have you thought about starting your own business, but felt unsure about how to do it? You might have heard countless stories about what it takes to start a business as well as to run a successful business. However, you might need more trustworthy and concrete information in order to fully understand, which kind of legal entity you can set up in Hong Kong. This is exactly the kind of information you will receive at this seminar. Also, you will receive tips in regard to maintaining the business afterward and what it requires. The seminar will be hosted by the experienced Ms. Josephine Lau who has been helping numerous clients starting their own business. This is why she can offer you a better understanding of the following:
• Preparation Work for Incorporation
• Hong Kong Limited Company Incorporation Procedure
• Post Incorporation Work
• Hong Kong Investment Visa
• Maintain and Upkeep with your Accounting and Auditing Work
Also, you will get the chance to ask the questions that might have held you back from starting your business. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to finally discover if starting a business is something for you, as this seminar will help you to get a better insight into Hong Kong's business environment.
Date: 10th October (tue)
Time: 7.00p.m.-8:00p.m.
Venue: Sheung Wan Suite 1 & 2, 24th Floor Bonham Strand Trade Centre 135 Bonham Strand East
Fee: Free
Seats: 20