UI Design係 User Interface Design嘅簡稱,即係「用戶界面設計」。UI 唔係淨係設計師先需要架,學識用UI表達主意,可以更有效令團隊理解同接納,推動落地機會!
時間:11:00am - 12:30pm
P.S. 無需設計背景,歡迎任何人士參加!
Ever used an app 📱 and thought you could design it better yourself? Well, now you can!
This interactive beginners workshop will give you a taste of designing your apps in 90 mins, after this workshop, you will also know what you could achieve in our Part-Time UI Design Course. Led by our UI Instructor, we will cover:
P.S. Design background is not necessary, absolute beginners are welcomed!
Event Details
So, what are you waiting for? ⏳ Register now! 👉 https://bit.ly/3tvR4b9
About Xccelerate Part-Time User Interface Course (8 weeks)
Our 8-week User Interface (UI) Design Course will teach you how to utilise design-thinking methods to align business and product goals with user needs. In the course, you will learn how to create design prototypes using the popular design tool, Figma, so you can professionally present your design ideas to stakeholders - and ensure that the developed app meets your design vision!
Cohort 6: starts12 March, 2022
Cohort 7: June 2022
Request course syllabus | Join course
UI Design is a full-time role in Google!
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