Diamond Cab, the first wheelchair accessible taxi service in Hong Kong was launched in Feb 2011. Doris Leung, Founder and CEO, Diamond Cab has got diagnosis of breast cancer in Sept 2017 and started the long journey of treatment since then. Damiao Cheng joined SVhk, the major shareholder of Diamond Cab at the same time and replaced Doris as Acting CEO. Then he has made critical cab business transformation and also developed new direction for Diamond Cab successfully. While Doris has been graduated from the treatment, she will have a new business model to work for her passion to help the passengers in need.
Content (run-down)
13:30 Ice-breaking to understand more about the audience
13:40 Video Sharing of Diamond Cab operation
13:45 Damiao's sharing
14:30 Q&A
Take aways:
How to balance social mission and business sustainability
How to communicate with the team on drastic business transformation
How to rebuild the new business model based on the experience of transformation
Speaker Bio: https://sv-hk.org/staff-member/damiao-cheng/