Metro Workshop Seminar
Date: Jan 11, 2018
Time: 7 - 9 PM
Topic: How to avoid Startup Failure 想創業成功,先看清失敗因素
Language: Cantonese
Venue: Unit 603, 6/F, Tower 1, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Admiralty
Guest Speaker: Ms. Katherine Lui - MBA, CPA, Founder and CEO - CanCan 看看™
Snacks and Drinks will be provided.
雷淑君女士 (Ms. Katherine Lui) 在財務領域有二十餘年的工作經驗,她以註冊會計師、CanAsia Consulting Group 創辦人和私募基金項目公司聯合創辦人的身份和經驗,在香港、中國和美國接觸超過500多個創業者和企業家,其中大概有40%是A輪,其他是B輪、C輪或上市公司的收購項目。在過去幾年,由她和她諮詢團隊幫助買賣方的項目成功投融資額超過20 億美元。 CanCan看看™是Katherine 綜合多年的工作經驗所創辦用於幫助中小型跨國公司的智能財務軟件,是一款利用雲端技術打破傳統的電子化財務系統,提供手機APP和網頁版。
Ms. Katherine Lui likes to deviate from the norms and do unconventional things. With her extensive hands-on experience in the professinoal accounting and finance world (IPO and Fund Raising) in the past 20 years, she condensed the secret success recipe into her consulting firm CanAsia Group in 2008. Combined financial management strategies with mobile technology, CanAsia Group lauched their exclusive cloud based SaaS (Software as a Service) product CanCan 看看™ that helps fast growing international clients succeed in fund raising and win.
CanCan看看™是由行亞諮詢(CanAsia Group)獨家設計推出的一款電子化財務系統,幫助快速增長的中小企業隨時隨地獲得實時和準確的財務信息, 提高效率和節省成本,為創業者解決財務難題邁向成功之路。
CanCan看看™ is an innovate cloud-based financial program launched by CanAsia Group and designed particularly for Hong Kong and multi-national SMEs to deal with financial issues. It digitalizes complicated business transactions to generate real-time cash flows for entrepreneurs and business leaders to manage their finance and make decisions effectively.