Hong Kong Start-ups Career Day (Event in Cantonese)
The better way to build your career
Job hunting can be a frustrating task, especially for fresh graduates looking to enter the workforce. Amongst the endless career opportunities one might consider, start-ups offer invaluable experiences through a variety of job scopes, promising opportunities for everyone to build on their strengths and improve on weaknesses, making it a highly attractive and viable career option for those seeking to learn and improve their capabilities.
What You Can Expect
Hong Kong Start-ups Career Day offers an exclusive opportunity for motivated individuals to not only learn more about start-ups through career talks led by prominent industry leaders, but also a platform to apply for positions within the fields of Engineering, Project Management and Communications in various start-up companies.
· Renowned guest speakers who will be hosting the Career Talk include:
o KK Tsang (曾錦強 - Founder of The Bees Group):著名廣告公司老闆為員工提供無數「#變態福利」
o Vincent Wong (黃永 - Founder of Solution-On-Wheels) :商業電台節目主持
o Tony Sung (宋安來 - Co-founder of HomeCourt) :研發籃球訓練App土生土長港人創業家亮相蘋果發布會
· There will be hearing pitches from the start-up founders and opportunities for attendees to interact with them in person at the job booths.
Hong Kong Start-ups Career Day Details
Date: 3 May, 2019 (Fri)
Time: Career Talk - 10am - 12nn* // Job Booth - 9:30am - 5pm**
Venue: LT10, City University of Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Take advantage of this invaluable chance to explore the challenges & excitement of working in a close-knit start-up environment. Grow your potential and embark on your journey of career fulfilment!
We look forward to seeing you on 3rd May 2019 at Hong Kong Start-ups Career Day!