The Hong Kong FinTech week will take place on 1-5 November this year at HKCEC and online. Bringing together over 17,000 physical and virtual attendees including the region’s biggest FinTech executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and regulators, this one-week event will go beyond the borders of online and offline and connect FinTech practitioners across the globe.
Our top-of-the-lines sessions will navigate you through the ever-changing landscapes of the FinTech industry and share with you insights and business opportunities within Hong Kong, Greater Bay Area, ASEAN, and international markets. Topics this year range from connected customers, rising global ecosystem, FinTech Innovations to leading China FinTech.
Recognized as the biggest FinTech event and the key place of networking in the region, we will roll out our first hybrid Hong Kong FinTech Week that breaches geographical limits and integrates the benefits of both physical and virtual events. This event will bring you unparalleled hybrid networking experiences and help you connect with the right prospects.
To secure your place at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2021, click here to register now!
Hong Kong FinTech Week's Global Fast Track 2021 connects global FinTechs with growth opportunities in Hong Kong, Asia, and beyond! If you have any scale-up plans, this is the programme for you.
Global Fast Track is your chance to connect with 80+ Corporate and Investor Champions who are actively engaging with FinTech companies. The programme also provides you with one-stop assistance from InvestHK & partners for your market expansion.
Apply now online, before 10 September!