We are pleased to invite you to join the 1st HKECIA Webinar - Pivoting to Virtual Events: Lessons Drawn from Experience , jointly organised with PCMA, on 12th Aug (Wed) at 10:30am HKT.
Pivoting to Virtual Events: Lessons Drawn from Experience
With physical conferences and exhibitions not being possible, many organisers have taken the step to transition to a digital platform to hold their events. During this panel discussion, join us as we delve deeper into digital events run by leading event organisers from different sectors – namely the Art Basel Online Viewing Room, Startup Impact Summit, 121 Mining Investment Online and Saladplate.com
We will discuss their successes, failures, and challenges as they look back on their experience pivoting to a virtual event. Pressing forward towards the future, find out what they will do differently the next time, new opportunities they are exploring, and take away insights on what role they see digital events playing out in a post-COVID world.
Panellists & Moderators:
Mr. Andrew Strachan – General Manager, Art Basel Hong Kong
Mr. Dave Chan – VP of Digitial Business & Advanced Analystics, Informa Markets Asia
Ms. Karena Belin – CEO of WHub
Mr. Leo Stemp – Co-Founding Partner of 121 Group
Mr. Stuart Bailey – Chairman of HKECIA
Mr. Darren Chuckry – Chair, Hong Kong of The Marketing Society
<<Please click here to view the biography of the panelists>>
It's a free-to-attend event, SIGN UP NOW!
For enquiry, please contact us by phone at +852 2558 1238 or by email enquiry@exhibitions.org.hk.