A fundamental shift is occurring within the talent landscape. Businesses have taken the leap into hiring remote teams, in response to an ongoing tech talent shortage, as well as the inability to tap on global talents due to Covid-19 travel bans.
Many of these remote teams have been integrated into the workforce, creating hybrid teams that combine both in-house and remote staff. Oftentimes, remote staff are based in Southeast Asia (SEA), a diverse region that offers skilled talent pools within just an hour’s time difference from Singapore.
How do business leaders leverage Singapore’s strategic position within Southeast Asia to expand into the region? And what can business leaders do to grow and manage their hybrid teams effectively?
This webinar will highlight the opportunities SEA holds when it comes to growing your business, as well as your remote and hybrid teams. Our guest speakers will also share first-hand insights on their experience with a hybrid workforce, as well as best practices on building and managing remote and hybrid teams.