立即報名 Register now: http://bit.ly/kafnu-foodphotographworkshop
| 關於活動 About the Event |
| 有關汪恩賜 About Raymond Wong |
專業攝影師汪恩賜畢業於大一設計學院及理工學院商業美術設計,師承從美留學回港之著名攝影大師徐佩傳 (Nicholas Tsui) 老師學藝.
作品曾展出多次,1975至1986年間更獲香港設計師協會攝影金獎多項,優勝獎多項, 2001年獲全國廣告攝影十佳攝影師獎。
曾為大一學院,理工學院,影藝攝影學院及工業總會之專業攝影課程導師, 1975年自組公司 Raymond wong studio 至今,近三十幾年香港走向專門化路線, 工作主要以飲食為主, 1990年遠赴美國羅省拜師Judy Peah Prindle學習食物美指課程, 是亞洲少數受過食物美指訓練的食物攝影師。
Mr. Raymond Wong is a professional photographer based in Hong Kong. He graduated in First Institute of Design and Hong Kong Polytechnics was trained under Master Nicholas Tsui, the renowned photographer in Hong Kong for many years.
Raymond's works have been displayed in many exhibitions. From 1975 to 1986, he was awarded a number of gold medals due to his excellence in photography. In 2001, he was awarded the Top Ten Best Photographer in Advertisement Shots.
Raymond was course tutor in the First Institute of Design, the Hong Kong Polytechnics and the Photo Center. In 1975, he founded the Raymond Wong Studio and become a professional photographer specialized in food and beverages. In 1990, he was one of the first Asian photographers who were trained in the USA in Food Styling.
| 日期時間 Date & Time |
日期:5月25日 (星期六)
時間 : 下午2點至6點
Date: 25th May (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 6pm
| 地點 Venue |
活動將會於 Kafnu 場內進行,位於嘉里酒店2樓。最近的地鐵站為黃埔站C2出口,或乘搭北角至紅磡的渡海小輪亦只需7分鐘。http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
The event will be inside Kafnu. Kafnu is located on the 2nd floor inside Kerry Hotel. The closest MTR is Whampoa MTR exit C2. You can also conveniently access the venue from Hong Kong Island via the North Point <--> Hung Hom Ferry which takes only 7 minutes. Schedule here: http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
Kafnu Hong Kong, 2/F, Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom
| 費用 Ticket Fee |
會員 Member: 1 Credit
非會員 Non-member: HKD150
Max pax: 100