Fireside Chats with Exceptional Female Entrepreneurs
第79屆奧斯卡金像獎 '最佳記錄短片' 得主 楊紫燁導演 及 來自世界屋脊 - 位於西藏高原的社會企業 NORLHA 諾樂的創辦人德清・益西小姐,將駕臨尖沙咀BLOOM共享工作空間與大家進行交流。
楊導演的新作《Ritoma 》在本年度 4月8日 於 MOViE MOViE Cityplaza 線舉行首映,是次座談中亦會與來賓分享製作電影的過程與感受。
BLOOM 共享工作空間特別為NORLHA 設置一連兩日(4月9-10日)的 Pop-up store,售賣由藏民人手製作的犛牛絨圍巾、時裝及嬰兒軟玩具等,營業時間由上午11時至晚上9時,數位有份製作產品的藏族村民更會化身店員,與大家接觸,機會難逢,歡迎前來參與!
🐂 🐂 🐂
> 有興趣的朋友,請繼續留意BLOOM Facebook 專頁的更新 !
This sharing session features two inspiring women in entrepreneur from social
enterprise and film industry. There will be Q&A with the guest speakers after a
screening about the process of creating the film.
Dechen Yeshi is the pioneer to start an innovative nomads-ran social enterprise called
Norlha in 2007 at the remote Ritoma Village of Tibet Plateau.
She provided the nomad women with job training and skill development that turned
nomads to artisans to create luxury textile products using the Plateau’s finest yak
Ruby Yang was born in Hong Kong and has established her presence internationally
as a filmmaker after working on several feature and documentary films.
Some of her best-known works have addressed various social issues and aspects of
contemporary life in China.
Her latest film, RITOMA captured a true story of Tibetan nomads of Ritoma village
as they navigate the collision of tradition and modernity.
RITOMA's Gala Premiere will be held on Sunday, April 8, at MOViE MOViE
Cityplaza in Tai koo Shing.
A Pop-up store of Norlha will also be available at BLOOM on April 10th from 11:30
am -9:00 pm. Attendees can shop local while getting to know some of the creators.