Date | Mar 17, 2018 (SAT)
Time | 2:30pm - 3:45pm (1hour sharing, 15mins Q&A)
Location | Uptown Co-workshop, 2A HK Industrial Building, 444-452 Des Voeux Building, Sai Ying Pun
Target | Expats, startups, entrepreneurs
Language | English & Cantonese
Sponsored by Uptown Co-workshop
Fee | HKD200
Early Bird HKD150 (sign up before 24 feb)
With refreshment
Feng Shui is an ancient art in Chinese tradition with many superstitions elements. Chasing back few hundred years ago, Chinese noticed energy exchanges between objects, human and the environment. Thus, many people thinks that it's about putting objects in places most useful or nearby which is useful, to create harmony that stimulates positive cognition and ambience. And it gains popularity in interior design (home, office, restaurants etc.)
What will include in the course
(1) What is Feng Shui (the meaning, history and traditions)
(2) 2018 Feng Shui & Year of Dog
- 2018 forecast of health, work, family, relationship, success & wealth
- transform your life and increase your good luck in every aspect
(3) Apply Feng Shui principles into your business
- economic outlook of 2018
- best month to start your business/ investment
- auspicious dates in 2018 and how you can use these dates tactically
- how to accelerate your career, business and investment
About the Feng Shui Master
Mr. Dragon Chan (Chan Ping Hing) - Worldwide feng shui specialist, palmist and fortune teller. He worked as a social worker for the Hong Kong Government for over 10 years before switching vocation. He started providing couneslling services but of a different kind. He claimed to see the future and tell people about the problems that may occur in their life and how to avoid them.
During his conselling life, he has been invited as a fortune-teller and delivered fortune telling sessions as the fortuitous in a lot of renowned organizations.
Hong Kong Tourism Association
Zurich Renaissance Hotel
Shanghai Tang
Asia Cosmos Wealth Management Ltd
For any enquiries, please kindly contact |
3169 0000/ admin@hkuptown.com
日期 | 2018年3月17日
時間 | 2時半至3時45分 (1小時演講,15分鐘問答)
地點 | Uptown Co-workshop, 西環德輔道西444-452號香港工業大廈2A
對象 | 外國人士、創業人士
語言 | 英語及粵語
此活動由Uptown Co-workshop贊助
優惠收費 | $200
早鳥優惠 $150 (2月24日前)
講者 陳淼國際風水大師
陳淼師傅自十三,十四歲已鑽研掌相學,時時與別人免費看相,藉以增加看相的經驗。 對相學研究至今差不多四十年。陳師傅的風水命理事業可以說是國際化的。他曾被香港旅遊協會委任為風水掌相顧問超過十年, 到世界各地替香港旅遊協會客人算命,以促交流,其足跡遍佈東南亞、歐洲國家、遠至南美如巴西、阿根廷、智利等。稱得上閲人無數。
陳師傅謂: 風水命理並不是一門迷信。現在世界名地大學教授也特地來港研習風水學,陳師傅稱風水是環境學,命理是五行術數的大自然平衡學。至於趨吉避凶,人們可以透過術數可避去衰運,戴某些飾品或辦喜慶都有助逃去劫數, 甚至帶來好運。
(1) 什麼是風水 (定義, 由來, 歷史)
(2) 2018 風水運程,狗年運程預測
- 健康,工作,家庭,關係預測運程會出現什樣的變化?
- 如何化解變化?
(3) 將風水理論巧妙地應用於辦公室
- 狗年適宜的創業, 投資時機
蘇黎世 Zurich Renaissance Hotel
如有任何疑問, 請聯絡 |
3169 0000/ admin@hkuptown.com