Proudly brought to you by Neat, Think Again Growth and WeWork:
So you have run your startup or SME for a bit of time, and now you're trying to scale up you business? This event will help you understand how to unlock growth and become your customers’ autopilot choice, covering topics including ‘The Growth Paradox’ and ‘The Big Growth Mistake’, revealing how new neuroscience-based, research insights can help us better understand how brand choice and decision-making works, to deliver an effective autopilot proposition.
6:30 PM - Registration & Networking
7:00 PM - Presentation by Andy Brent
7:45 PM - Q&A
8:00 PM - Networking (Food & Drinks Provided)
9:00 PM - Event Ends
Andy Brent, Founding Partner of Think Again Growth
Andy is an experienced board director and business growth specialist. He is the author of ‘The Growth Director’s Secret’, published by Bloomsbury. He has 30 years’ experience in senior marketing and strategy roles in the UK, Europe and Asia and has worked at corporations including P&G, Boots, Barclays Bank, Sky Broadcasting and Hutchison Whampoa. “My executive career has been about helping businesses to grow faster and more profitably. I have always valued the independent thinking and original insights that the best consultancies could bring, and now it’s very satisfying to add value in this way for our Think Again client businesses. When not working, I have a particular passion for travelling, especially in Southern Africa - the further away from civilisation, laptops and mobile phones - the better!"
About Neat (www.neat.hk):
Neat provides a simple alternative to a traditional corporate bank account. We take away the obstacles you normally face in dealing with financial institutions: the paperwork, bureaucracy, and long waiting times. Neat equips startups and SMEs with the right technology to make life easier.
About Think Again Growth (http://thinkagaingrowth.com/)
We are strategic growth experts with a real passion for helping organisations evolve and grow. We are evangelical in our belief that neuroscience can unlock insights and help drive growth strategy in ways that haven’t been done before. We pride ourselves in being open and challenging with our clients in the pursuit of the best commercial proposition for their business.
About WeWork (https://www.wework.com/)
WeWork is the platform for creators. We provide beautiful workspace, an inspiring community, and business services to thousands of members worldwide.
Enquiries: community@neat.hk