GetLinks is proud to be hosting another DrinkEntrepreneurs event in Hong Kong!
At DrinkEntrepreneurs, we believe life is about making great human connections. Join us in the Geda Bar and Restaurant on January 9th. Relax, interact, have a drink or two and expand your business network!
Create an account on GetLinks before 2019 to get a FREE DRINK at the event! 😉
🍷 http://bit.ly/2PNpXAK 🍷
DrinkEntrepreneurs is a non-profit organization connecting the local business ecosystem in major cities. It’s a place for entrepreneurs, C-levels and entrepreneur circles (Investor / Coder / Designers / Media etc.) to gather around a drink. Our afterworks are connecting a global network of 40+ cities around the world from Silicon Valley to Europe and Asia.
About GetLinks:
GetLinks is a platform and ecosystem connecting tech talents to opportunities across Asia. We support people to build their skills, connections, teams and careers.
在DrinkEntrepreneurs,我們相信生活是在於建立良好人際關係。參與我們1月9號在優雅的 Geda Bar and Restaurant 所舉辦的活動,與優秀的企業家相遇。放鬆、連繫,一邊享用飲品一邊擴闊您的商業人際網絡吧!
2019.1.1 以前創辦 GetLinks 帳號,出示於活動現場即可獲得一杯免費的飲料(酒)😉
🍷 http://bit.ly/2PNpXAK 🍷
DrinkEntrepreneurs是一個志於連結各個主要城市的商業生態系的非牟利組織。這裏是一個讓企業家、高層管理人員和企業圈子(投資者 / 程式編寫員 / 設計師 / 媒體 等)舉杯暢談的地方。我們的工餘聚會活動將香港連結至亞洲及歐洲各地超過40個城市的世界性網絡。
GetLinks 是一個橫跨亞洲、將人才與各種求職機會連結的平台和生態系。我們協助人才提升他們的技能和職涯發展,及建立人脈關係和組織團隊