theDesk has invited five renowned business leaders to join the 'Don't waste the crisis, build a better Hong Kong' series in July, including Shih Wing Ching (Centaline Group), Ray Chan (9GAG), Jonathan Zeman (LKF Group), Francis Ngai (SVhk), and Leona Wong (PR Specialist), touching on topics ranging from doing business to providing professional tips, and even political-economic environment.
In addition, there will also be a networking session to allow everyone to interact with the star guests and other attendees. With only 90 minutes session every week, you would expect to get not only business inspirations, but also an opportunity to broaden your network. Last but not least, with joining the session, you would get the chance to win a free hotDesk pass (worth of HK$3,750).
Reserve your spot now:
Date: Every Thursday (July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)
Time: 5.30 – 7 p.m.
Venue: theDesk Leighton Centre (20/F Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
‘Don’t waste the crisis, build a better Hong Kong’系列,7月邀請到五位商界的星級嘉賓,包括施永青 (中原集團)、陳展程 (9GAG)、盛凱 (蘭桂芳集團)、魏華星 (香港社會創投基金)、黃雅麗 (初創公關顧問)。由生意經到專業貼士,甚至政經局勢,無所不談,另外更有networking時間,俾大家親身同星級嘉賓同其他參加者交流。每個星期90分鐘,有啟發、有得著、識到人,仲有機會拎到免費 hotDesk pass (價值HK$3,750)。活動座位先到先得,立即登記留位:
日期: 逢星期四 (7月2, 9, 16, 23, 30日)
時間: 5.30 – 7 p.m.
地點: theDesk禮頓中心 (香港銅鑼灣禮頓道77號禮頓中心20樓)