What is CoCoon Smart Talk?
CoCoon Smart Talk is a monthly event dedicated to broadening people's imagination, creating impact, and making new connections. Inspiring speakers will share their journey and insights in this meetup.
As with the unparalleled advance in technological reliance during the past 20 years, so has the emergence for online retail and E-commerce. In a world where we are pushing further and further the boundaries of the online - those who wish to stay on top of the game must keep up with up and coming "E-trends".
Find out about trends in e-commerce:
Setting up your own online store — how does it work?
Understand the basics of dropshipping.
Private labels — building your own brand.
Who Should Join:
Companies/individuals who are looking to cultivate their online presence.
Those who are looking to start or develop their own brand.
Anyone who is unfamiliar and would like to know more about the basics of E-commerce.
Run Down:
12:00 - 12:20 Registration
12:20 - 13:20 Workshop + Q&A
13:20 - 13:30 Break/Lunch
13:30 - 14:00 CoCoon Market + Networking
Please sign up: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/cocoon-smart-talk-disrupting-the-retail-market-tickets-48546910115