Ecommerce is expected to be responsible for US $4.5 trillion in sales by 2021. Learn how you can leverage a top ecommerce platform and take advantage of the open world of opportunity in ecommerce.
Wordpress is the most popular open source framework for building websites. Learn how to use wordpress and woocommerce to easily create your own ecommerce website to begin making money online.
During this 2 hour workshop you will what Wordpress has to offer and how you can use it to get started. We will dispel any technical jargon that may have been holding you back from getting started as well as let you know what technical knowledge you might need to be equipped with down the line to continue your success.
Below is a breakdown of what we will cover in this 2 hour session:
Workshop Rundown:
-Introduction to wordpress
-Setup and Installation
-Basic configuration
-eCommerce setup
-Order management
-Payments and shipping
-Other configuration
-Hosting and deploying your Wordpress website.
Note: Please bring a computer.
在建立網頁時,Wordpress是最受廣泛使用的開放框架。學習怎樣使用 Wordpress及Woocommerce,輕鬆建立自己的電子商務網頁,並開始網上賺錢之旅。
以下是兩小時工作坊中會介紹的分項 :