Have you ever paid for online advertisement? If so, there’s a good chance 50% of your ad budget was wasted on spambots and/or click farms. What are these, exactly? In the sense of digital advertising, spambots are software that have been programmed to click, view and provide impressions on the ads that you place across the Internet. Click farms do the same. Sometimes they are also made up of actual people who are paid to click through the Internet to create fake impressions. Many brands are aware of this problem and are demanding a solution.
NOIZ is that solution. We are tackling the issue of ad fraud by creating an ad exchange platform that utilizes AI-enabled cognitive ads and blockchain technology to authenticate user data. Through the NOIZ platform users, advertisers and publishers can also contribute to social impact organizations of their choice.
This wonderful platform is being created by a diverse group of industry heavyweights including marketing veterans from global advertising and media agencies; Blockchain specialists from Harvard University; AI and UX/UI experts with over 10 years of experience and more. We understand the pains of advertisers and know what the industry needs.
Come join us on Wednesday, June 13th to learn more about NOIZ and its full potential. Many of the team members will be in attendance, ready to give you the details of the project and answer any questions you may have.
Run Down:
7:00 PM – 7:30 PM Registration
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Presentation, Panel, Q&A
To secure your spot, please RSVP, as spaces are limited.
*Audio and video content may be recorded by the Mettā and NOIZ teams.