Utilizing appropriate and effective asking and answering skills helps build confidence and a professional image, which is crucial for any member of the workforce – particularly for any entrepreneur! We are delighted to have Dr. Terence Wong with us again, following a successful sharing back in July, to explore how we can employ such skills in a practical environment.
Key topics:
1. American political scientist Harold Lasswell’s model of communication
2. The factors to consider before asking and answering questions
3. Understanding the different types of questions
4. How to minimize harm and maximize effectiveness
5. Techniques for declining to answer
6. Case studies
Dr. Terence K L Wong is a Ph.D degree holder from UCLA and a distinguished cross-media veteran with a total of 30 years of experience. He co-founded The Federation of Corporate Trainers and has hosted numerous trainings on presentation skill, marketing, and other disciplines for enterprises, government departments, schools and universities.
Registration begins at 7pm!
* The seminar is conducted in Cantonese
掌握大方得體的答問技巧,有助個人在職場中突圍而出,扭轉局面,建立自信專業形象,是創業家及在職人士的基本營生本領。本講座可以令參加者善加運用Asking And Answering Skills 提問與答問技巧,成為應對如流的職場専才。
1. 參考美國政治家拉斯维爾的提問技巧
2. 提問和答問之前要考慮的因素
3. 認識不同類型的問題
4. 如何把傷害的影響降至最低,把效益推至最高
5. 善用拒絕回應的技巧
6. 個案分析
* 是次活動之主要語言為廣東話