"ASIA: LIGHT, HOPE AND DYNAMISM": a photographic exhibition and charity project presented by Children of the Mekong Hong Kong
May 30th - June 4th, 2018 (10am - 9pm incl. Sunday)
Show opening Wednesday 30th May 6pm
@ Hong Art Visual Arts Centre, 7A Kennedy Road, Central, HK Associated Project of LE FRENCH MAY Arts Festival
This exhibition features the work of 23 international photographers invited to reflect photographically on the flamboyance, confidence, and energy of South-East Asian countries and people. artformekongchildren.com
Derry Ainsworth, Belinda Bath, An Bin, Régis Binard, Gilles Biscay, Christine Blom, Stéphane Chaboureau, Michelle Copini, Frédérique Coppéré, Cyril Delettre, Vladimir Demichel, Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, Younes Kabbaj, Françoise Lautier, Nicolas Lefeuvre, Kumiko Matsushima, François-Christophe Morel, Harold de Puymorin, Jean-Pierre Ruelle, Takeshi Shikama, David Viegas, Laurence de Vogüé, Saskia Wesseling.
More Information:
*Please note that for the payment of the artwork we can only accept Bank transfer, cheque and cash.