Christie’s in collaboration with Christie’s Education, is delighted to present “Art + Tech: Mixed Reality”, the first summit in Asia to focus on the disruptive power of technology as applied to arts and culture.
This is our third instalment of Christie’s Art + Tech Summit, following the successful discussions on blockchain in London in July 2018, and on A.I. In New York in June 2019.
Thursday 21st November 2019
Full Day Conference
Lunch and Coffee Breaks
Evening Reception
The Summit ends with Christie’s Lates, our semi - annual cocktail reception that kicks off Christie’s auction week, one of Asia’s most anticipated evenings of art, live music, performances and networking.
The following themes will be explored through a full day of talks, panel discussion and artist conversations:
- Creating Art with Technology: how artists and creatives re-define art with technology to create digital works.
- Enhancing Art Experience with Technology: how entrepreneurs, programmers and engineers create digital platforms and tools such as VR, AR and mixed realities to transform art display and experience.
- Frontier Technology: what possibilities innovators in blockchain, AI and other frontier technologies bring to the experience of our contemporary living.
In line with Christie’s leading position in the global art world, and powered by WHub, major tech and innovation ecosystem connector, we are committed to hosting a world-class discussion in Art + Tech, and building a network of cultural influencers and tech disrupters in Asia.
We look forward to welcoming you to Art+Tech: Mixed Reality on 21 November at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
To enjoy up to 50% off, book your tickets in advance.
香港 – 佳士得與佳士得美術學院欣然宣佈,合辦「Art + Tech 藝術科技峰會:虛實之間」並訂於 2019 年
11 月 21 日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,為秋季拍賣週揭開帷幕。繼 2018 年 6 月倫敦區塊鏈峰會及今年 6 月
作為亞洲區首間在展覽中採用增強現實(Augmented Reality)及虛擬現實(Virtual Reality)技術的拍賣行,
合現實(Mixed Reality)帶來身臨其境般的浸入式體驗及影響。