Arco Community
We are glad to invite GJS ROBOT, sharing their amazing robot products. Don't miss out the chance to experience their robots, Ganker and GEIO.
深圳市工匠社科技公司作为一家小型机器人技术及衍生品研发设计公司,主打产品为Ganker格斗机器人。Ganker團隊成立於2015年4月,產品於2016年7月在Indiegogo眾籌,產品最低眾籌價格為249美元,共籌集了12.6萬美元。工匠社目前已推出兩款機器人系列: Ganker 系列和 GEIO 系列,分別對應近戰兵體係與遠程兵體系。格鬥競技機器人研發廠商“工匠社”於近日完成數千萬人民幣 A 輪融資,投資方為騰訊控股。工匠社創始人兼CEO 招俊健表示,這輪融資將主要用於格鬥機器人新系列的研發迭代,並加大在品牌與市場的投入。
Ganker是一款寓教于乐的小型竞赛机器人 ,它利用机器人关节运动模块、电子计分系统、APP控制,实现机器人格斗、竞速、避障等各项竞技活动。打造家庭,派对,俱乐部等多种机器人娱乐场景,同时让玩家在娱乐过程中学习机器人相关的结构拼装,3D打印和动作编程知识。
Ganker Robot is a small competitive robot designed for maker education and entertainment. With the new technology to carry out various activities like battling, soccer playing, racing and obstacle avoiding.
In each joint of the Ganker robot there is a servo motor, and it is these motors that bring your robot to life. They allow your robot to move naturally and respond precisely to your fighting commands.
The driving and direction of the wheels are controlled by a mobile app. Every fighting movement of Ganker can be set by independently, making it a perfect robot for users of all ages.
Every piece of Ganker robot armor is equipped with a sensor to detect contact. When your robot is struck in specific critical areas one health point of "Blood" is deducted. If your “blood” level reaches zero, you lose the match.
The new generation of Ganker has two new motion control systems, one for the gesture control system, the other for the exoskeleton control system, through the mechanical unit to capture the user's upper limb movement and make a one-to-one simulation, you can get wonderful fighting Experience.
Date: 9th January, 2018 (Tuesday)
Time: 3-5:30pm
3pm Registration
3:15pm Introduction by Winson Kwok - Co-Founder of Arco City
3:30pm Sharing by Mr. Robert Lou - CMO of GJS Robot
3:50pm Exclusive Robot Experience
4:00pm - 5:30pm AI Business opportunity exchange and Happy Hour
---Free of charge, RSVP Required---