This fifth edition of the Antitrust in Asia Conference is organized by Concurrences Review in with the support of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Competition Association.
The conference is dedicated to antitrust regulations in Asia that make sure that healthy competition is allowed to flourish and economies can grow.
What to expect?
Four interesting panel discussions with experts from OECD, Qualcomm, Tencent, Linklaters, Microsoft etc.
Panel 1: IP Licensing: Should Essential Patents be Challenged?
Panel 2: Use of Economic Evidence Before Courts and Agencies: Any Role for Lawyers?
Panel 3: High-Tech Mergers: Are they Specific?
Panel 4: Enforcer's Roundtable
Why should you join?
Antitrust laws apply to nearly all industries and sectors, touching every level of business, including manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and marketing. Furthermore, experts from OECD, Qualcomm, Tencent, Linklaters, Microsoft etc. will be participating as panellists.
09:30 Coffee & Registration
09:50 Welcome
10:00 Opening Keynote Speech
To be confirmed
10:30 IP Licensing: Should Essential Patents be Challenged?
11:45 Coffee Break
12:00 Use of Economic Evidence Before Courts and Agencies: Any Role for Lawyers?
13:15 Lunch
14:15 High-Tech Mergers: Are they Specific?
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 Enforcer's Roundtable
17:00 Closing Keynote Speech
To be confirmed
Who should join?
Individuals interested in learning more about antitrust regulations from experts in the field