傳聞Xccelerate 16星期嘅Coding Bootcamp 好Chur好辛苦,到底事實係咪真? Curious about what it’s like to join our full-time bootcamp? Join our Open Day!
About this event
傳聞Xccelerate 16星期嘅Coding Bootcamp 好Chur好辛苦,到底事實係咪真?
疫情推動人才轉型,過去一年,有400位以上來自唔同行業嘅朋友,透過Xccelerate Bootcamp成功轉行創科界,包括人工智能A.I.、金融科技、線上用戶體驗設計(UX)等領域。
🤔Curious about what it’s like to join our full-time bootcamp? This is your chance to experience it!
This one-day interactive event will let you experience what it is like to be a student at our bootcamp. We offer 3 main streams for our bootcamp: Web Development, Data Science, and UI UX Design. You will have the opportunity to pick one stream to fully experience in one day.
The structure 📝
In this event, you will follow the schedule of a typical day of our bootcamp students!
10:30 - Registration
10:45 - 11:00 - Welcome Orientation
11:00 - 12:30 - Morning Lecture - Start your day by learning about new concepts, skills, and codes with our instructors.
12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch time!
13:30 - 15:00 - Project work and in-class exercise - Our bootcamp program is very hands-on, where you will get the chance to enrich your professional portfolio doing real life projects. So, learn the concept, and apply it!
15:00 - 15:20 - Career Discussion & Q&A - We are not just any bootcamp, we are career transformers. Our career advisors provide professional development support through workshops and consultations.
15:20 - 15:45 - Networking - Time to mingle with fellow prospective students. Feel free to stay for a networking session!
Who should attend?
This event is ideal for those seriously considering participating in our next bootcamp cohort starting in April. This is your chance to have a taste of our bootcamp learning experience before making the full-time 4 month commitment.
When you register, you will pick your stream (Software Engineering, Data Science, or UI/UX Design). If you are not sure which stream to select, don’t worry - we’re here to help you decide which is the best option for you! You can book a free career consultation here.
Event Details
Date: Saturday 26 February
Time: 10:30 - 15:45
Location: Xccelerate Campus at Cocoon, 3F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Rd, Tin Hau
Register now to secure your spot! ⚡
📢 *Due to limited spots, we can only offer spots for those available to attend the event for the full day.