2020年,5項Python 可以幫您事業更想一層樓嘅方法
🤔 好奇Python 可以點樣幫您提升工作效率?
🤔 2020 年Python 嘅趨勢又係點呢?
參加我哋嘅免費研討會,同專家一齊交流Python 究竟可以做啲乜嘢啦!
✅示範俾您睇,究竟Python 可以點樣應用
🤔How exactly can Python help with your work?
🤔What is the Python Development trend in 2020?
Join our FREE seminar to get expert insights on what can be done with Python at no cost.
Seminar overview:
✅Introduction to Python
✅Possible Career Paths in Business Technology, Marketing, Data Science and more
✅Demo on how to apply Python
✅Q&A session
*No previous data science background is necessary, absolute beginners are welcomed
Language : English
Price : FREE of charge