The team at Paperlss are on a mission to make trade shows, exhibitions and conferences more effective and efficient for exhibitors, attendees, and organizers. Kenneth Chan, Co-Founder of Paperlss had taken part in many trade shows globally for years. "The biggest problem I had with all the shows, was how inefficient the process was. Handling all the paper at shows was costly, tedious and often wasteful and not very efficient. When you digitize all the information in shows, not only are you able to track things but with a level of insightful reporting and analytics that could help buyers and sellers meet and conduct business more efficiently. Many trades show these days have thousands of exhibitors and tens of thousands of buyers (attendees). You can imagine the number of data interactions that happen in a trade show on a daily basis. Making better sense of this information is just the tip of the iceberg in making trade shows hyper productive."
Indeed, the Global Exhibitions Market is a large and compelling space, generating more than USD29 billion in 2015*. Wilson Cheng Co-Founder and CEO of Paperlss says, "our research tells us that the timing is ripe for Paperlss to come into this market and make a difference. Exhibitors and attendees are more tech savvy than ever and more accustomed to making better, data-driven business decisions. In fact, they are crying out for tools like this to enable them to make better decisions at the many shows they attend and exhibit at every year."
“Our research tells us that the timing is ripe for Paperlss…” - Wilson Cheng / CEO Paperlss
Being the world's 8th largest trading economy, Hong Kong has developed into a premier convention and exhibition center in the region. As a free port with superb air connectivity at the heart of Asia, exhibitors and visitors can move into Hong Kong conveniently, making the territory a preferred location in staging international conventions and exhibitions. Hong Kong was crowned as the “Best Business City in the World” at the 2014 Business Traveller Asia-Pacific Travel Awards, and named the “Best City for Business Events” in the 2015 CEI Industry Survey organized by the prominent MICE publication CEI Asia magazine. In 2015, Hong Kong hosted more than 100 exhibitions, with more than 1.7 million overseas overnight MICE visitors. Three of the world's largest trade exhibitions and ten of Asia's largest trade exhibitions were hosted in Hong Kong in 2015.**
“We think it is only a matter of time before Hong Kong has a homegrown tech superstar like what Alibaba has done for the Mainland China tech scene and companies like Facebook, LinkedIn and Salesforce have done for Silicon Valley. It’s in every Hong Kong citizen's DNA to be entrepreneurial and business savvy” says Mr. Chan.
“With the highly educated and innovative population base in Hong Kong, no one in their right mind would bet against Hong Kong being able to rise to the occasion.”
* Source AMR International - Outlook for the Global Exhibitions Market 2015 report
** Source HKTDC Research April 13, 2016 - http://hong-kong-economy-research.hktdc.com/
The Paperlss app can be downloaded:
App Store link: https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/paperlss/id1109203559?mt=8
Play Store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paperlss.app
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